Friday, October 10, 2014

Day 139: Cool as The Crucible

Arthur Miller wrote a famous play about the Salem Witch Trials called the Crucible. While it is not a cool subject matter, working on the show musically is cool as... well.. cool as the crucible. (I've never understood the expression cool as a cucumber). Dr. Genius Albert wrote incredible incidental music to underscore the dramatic action of the play. He wrote it twenty years ago for an eleven piece orchestra and has now made an alternate orchestration for four people. It's the most hauntingly beautiful music I've ever heard. What's even more incredible is having the experience of the composer conduct you and explain what he wants with the music and what he heard, imagined, and felt when he wrote it. There was one cool moment when I was trying to get the sound he wanted using different pedal techniques I've learned from classical playing and he shouted out of nowhere, that's it, that's the sound. It's that aha moment like that which makes the experience thrilling and cool as the crucible.

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