Friday, July 4, 2014

Day 42: Troubled Technology

Technology can help you and hurt you. It can help theater and hurt theater. It can help music and hurt music.

Tonight, I was playing and after the first page of the overture, I realized there was a problem. My keyboard was delayed through the computer causing latency problems. I still am confused about what happened but at least my cell phone technology worked and I was able to text the assistant musical director to fix it. He had fixed it by the next musical number. Microphones are always causing problems. Lastly, the fog machine produced enough to make a fog curtain in front of the audience and it blinded the music on some people's music stands.

Theater isn't always perfect, and its flaws generally have to do with technology but somehow the show goes on and everyone is entertained. Sometimes the technology error can even cause a laugh. Technology: can't live with it, can't live without it.

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