Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Day 220: Theater Etiquette

The Theater. The Theater. What's happened to the theater? People don't have the respect they once did for it. Please note I'm not speaking to everyone but after seeing some holiday posts I can't stay silent anymore. IT IS NOT OKAY TO TAKE PHOTOS IN THE THEATER!!! I understand that you want souvenirs and photos to remember the evening and to put on social media, but take them outside the theater near the poster or in the lobby. When you step in the theater, it is a whole new space that has established rules of etiquette. No photos of the stage backdrop, no videos or photos of the show. They ask you nicely in the announcement and ushers try to maintain it but please have some self discipline. I'm not naming names or anything but today which is Monday in my blog speak the theater is dark so we need to reflect on the respect we should have for it. That is all; rant over. Let the comments of disagreement begin.

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