Sunday, May 10, 2015

Day 340: Mrs. Doyle

One thing that always frightened me about classes here is the fact that I had to take voice lessons but now I have one year of them under my belt and am excited about another year of it. While voice will never be my primary instrument, I understand it more and not afraid of it. This newfound vocal confidence is completely thanks to Mrs. Doyle, my fantastic voice teacher. She is a doctoral student who is a vocal teaching assistant but is as excellent as any of the primary faculty. On day one I sent her a terrified email about my fear of voice lessons and at the end of the school year I'm singing in front of the studio class with sheer casual confidence. I am so grateful for everything I learned from Mrs. Doyle and while she won't be my teacher next year she has made me prepared for another year of voice lessons. I love it here!!!

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